
Mülheim Company Run 2023
On 16 August, the 7th Mülheim company run was once again a great success. The runners set off in dry weather and summery temperatures. The 5.6 km route led from the Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences to the Ringlokschuppen. With sporting ambition, our eleven runners really worked up a
Mehr lesen »Mülheim Company Run 2023
On 16 August, the 7th Mülheim company run was once again a great success. The runners set off in dry weather and summery temperatures. The 5.6 km route led from the Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences to the Ringlokschuppen.
With sporting ambition, our eleven runners really worked up a sweat before successfully crossing the finish line. Afterwards, the after-run party took place, where the day ended with currywurst, refreshing drinks and lots of fun.

Occupational investigation
School visits the ELOMECH Group: As part of the career exploration days at the Borbeck comprehensive school in Essen, we welcomed 25 Year 8 pupils to our ELOTechnikum. In addition to information about training opportunities at the ELOMECH-Group, there was a practical task in our training workshop and something to
Mehr lesen »Occupational investigation
School visits the ELOMECH Group: As part of the career exploration days at the Borbeck comprehensive school in Essen, we welcomed 25 Year 8 pupils to our ELOTechnikum. In addition to information about training opportunities at the ELOMECH-Group, there was a practical task in our training workshop and something to win. We hope you enjoyed the insight into our company!

Training 2021
We are starting the new training year with 42 young trainees as electronics technicians, office management assistants and technical system planners. We are proud that we have been able to attract so many young people to the ELOMECH Group despite the difficult circumstances. We are looking forward to the coming
Mehr lesen »Training 2021
We are starting the new training year with 42 young trainees as electronics technicians, office management assistants and technical system planners. We are proud that we have been able to attract so many young people to the ELOMECH Group despite the difficult circumstances. We are looking forward to the coming weeks and months and wish them all a good start to their professional lives.

With our big Christmas raffle, ELOMECH Group colleagues not only have the chance to win great prizes every year, but also donate their entries to a good cause. The proceeds from the raffle, which were doubled by the management as every year, went this time to the CBE – Centrum
Mehr lesen »donation
With our big Christmas raffle, ELOMECH Group colleagues not only have the chance to win great prizes every year, but also donate their entries to a good cause. The proceeds from the raffle, which were doubled by the management as every year, went this time to the CBE – Centrum für bürgerliches Engagement e. V. in Mülheim. V. in Mülheim. The organisation supports volunteers and their work in various areas.

Successful final exa
This year, the examinations of our trainees took place under different conditions. However, the measures taken to protect against the coronavirus did not affect their success: 14 of our trainees successfully passed their final exams in January. We would like to congratulate them and are proud to welcome most of
Mehr lesen »Successful final exa
This year, the examinations of our trainees took place under different conditions. However, the measures taken to protect against the coronavirus did not affect their success: 14 of our trainees successfully passed their final exams in January. We would like to congratulate them and are proud to welcome most of them to our team as new colleagues.

TÜV certification 2020
This year’s audit by TÜV covered the quality, environmental and occupational safety system of the entire ELOMECH Group, as well as the BMA certification according to DIN 14675 of the company Teloplan. In conjunction with two site inspections, we were able to fully present the existing system during the audit
Mehr lesen »TÜV certification 2020
This year’s audit by TÜV covered the quality, environmental and occupational safety system of the entire ELOMECH Group, as well as the BMA certification according to DIN 14675 of the company Teloplan. In conjunction with two site inspections, we were able to fully present the existing system during the audit and the final assessment by the TÜV was consistently positive and without any significant objections.

Anniversary year 2020
2020 ist für die ELOMECH-Gruppe ein ganz besonderes Jahr. Die einzelnen Firmen feiern Jubiläum! Zusammen kommen sie auf satte 155 Jahre Unternehmensgeschichte. Eine stolze Leistung, die für uns und unsere Arbeit spricht. Dabei zählt die Neugebauer Elektrotechnik GmbH stolze 75 Jahre, die Elomech Elektroanlagen GmbH kommt auf runde 50 Jahre,
Mehr lesen »Anniversary year 2020
2020 ist für die ELOMECH-Gruppe ein ganz besonderes Jahr. Die einzelnen Firmen feiern Jubiläum! Zusammen kommen sie auf satte 155 Jahre Unternehmensgeschichte. Eine stolze Leistung, die für uns und unsere Arbeit spricht. Dabei zählt die Neugebauer Elektrotechnik GmbH stolze 75 Jahre, die Elomech Elektroanlagen GmbH kommt auf runde 50 Jahre, die Teloplan Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH feiert 25-Jähriges und die Eloprojekt GmbH ist mit 5 Jahren die jüngste im Bunde. Wir freuen uns auf ein spannendes Jubiläumsjahr!

Brand awareness has a price: ELMAR, the coveted brand prize of the electrical industry, is awarded annually by the initiative “Elektromarken. Starke Partner” initiative. The award recognises electrical contractors who are masters of their trade and impress with innovative brand concepts and exceptional brand awareness. This year, the ELOMECH Group
Mehr lesen »ELMAR Award
Brand awareness has a price: ELMAR, the coveted brand prize of the electrical industry, is awarded annually by the initiative “Elektromarken. Starke Partner” initiative. The award recognises electrical contractors who are masters of their trade and impress with innovative brand concepts and exceptional brand awareness. This year, the ELOMECH Group was presented with the ELMAR in bronze and was also honoured in the employer category.

Top marks all round
The ELOMECH Group was honoured twice in October. The magazine ELTERN confirmed our efforts to be a family-friendly company with the highest score and the title “Best Companies for Families” (Eltern 10/2018) and the magazine CAPITAL awarded us the title “Best Trainer in Germany” (Capital 10/2018), also with the highest
Mehr lesen »Top marks all round
The ELOMECH Group was honoured twice in October. The magazine ELTERN confirmed our efforts to be a family-friendly company with the highest score and the title “Best Companies for Families” (Eltern 10/2018) and the magazine CAPITAL awarded us the title “Best Trainer in Germany” (Capital 10/2018), also with the highest score. We are particularly proud of these awards!

Multi-award winning
In the second half of 2019, the ELOMECH Group was once again recognised for the way it treats its employees. We were awarded the titles of “Germany’s most desirable employer” and “Best company for families”. Numerous companies were compared for the studies on the basis of questionnaires that asked detailed
Mehr lesen »Multi-award winning
In the second half of 2019, the ELOMECH Group was once again recognised for the way it treats its employees. We were awarded the titles of “Germany’s most desirable employer” and “Best company for families”. Numerous companies were compared for the studies on the basis of questionnaires that asked detailed questions about company values such as working atmosphere, working conditions, family friendliness, sustainability and profitability. As in the previous year, we achieved the highest rating of 5 out of 5 stars from ELTERN magazine as a family-friendly company. The F.A.Z. Institute’s award as a sought-after employer is new for us. In our first attempt, we came 6th with 70 out of 100 points.